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Yes, the alternative content, the premieres, the private previews, the IMAX® rooms, the events.

Yes, if it goes against our General Rules and our Terms of Use

Of course, but it will be necessary to be in the correct times in uploading the contents which will then have to be approved.

Once approved, a content can be coupled to any show on sale in any cinema on the circuit.

No, the content may not contain images relating to cigarettes/tobacco, electronic cigarettes, alcohol and spirits, prohibited substances, Video Lottery Terminals (Vlt), slot machines and in general, games of chance and/or games involving cash prizes in accordance with the art. 7, Decree Law no. 158/2012.

No, the content cannot contain recognizable brands, logos and products/services; and will not contain advertisements for other cinemas and/or advertisements for shopping or entertainment centers that compete with the shopping or entertainment center where the UCI Cinemas is located in which you made your reservation.

No, the content compliance authorization is a mandatory step.

For the creation and publication of video or photographic reproductions of minors, the consent of the parents or, on their behalf, of subjects exercising parental responsibility is required. By accepting these terms, the User declares to be aware of also expressing the will of the other parent who exercises parental responsibility - aware of the administrative and penal consequences, for those who issue statements that do not correspond to the truth, pursuant to the DPR 445/2000, declares to have made the choice in compliance with the provisions on parental responsibility pursuant to articles 316, 337 ter and 337 quater of the civil italian code, which require the consent of both parents.

No, the content cannot contain terms that are offensive to people and public decency; nor may it have defamatory content towards persons, nor will it violate copyrights, trademarks or any intellectual or contractual property right belonging to third parties.

The personal data of a Cinestream account are used only for the purposes of carrying out the service. Participation in newsletters and other promotional communications that may be promoted by Cinestream is optional. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy

You will receive a notification upon approval to allow you to proceed with the pairing.

Cinestream uses the PayPal system through which you can pay with all major credit and debit cards or from a PayPal account if available.

Screening authorization takes approximately 24 hours.
Content reported as non-compliant will require further processing by the author and therefore an additional 24 hours before being eventually approved.

Unapproved content is deleted after 30 days.
Content approved but not matched to any screening is deleted after 150 days.
The projected contents are deleted after 365 days from the last use.
If you use our tools for creation, your home folder and all the contents you uploaded to create your message will be deleted after 20 days from the last login.
Until these terms expire, you will always be able to download your work.

Excluding special occasions, your content will be unique.

Total available disk space is 600 MB.

That the available slot has already been purchased by some other user, or that show has been cancelled.

It may happen that due to force majeure such as a breakdown in a cinema, it is impossible to show your content.
In these cases it will be the concern of the director of the cinema selected by you to promptly notify you of any changes or cancellations. Only in the latter case can the customer request a refund by writing to support@cinestream.store
Spaces purchased and not coupled to a content within the established times will not be refunded.

The maximum duration of a work cannot exceed the expected duration of the slot, indicated at the time of booking. Our standard slot is 15 seconds.
The upload of content with a duration exceeding the expected duration will not be permitted.
However, on particular occasions the number and length of slots during a pre-show may vary.

It's up to the content author.
Just be no longer than the slot's intended duration, which is normally 15 seconds.
For films shorter than the capacity of a single slot, the service cost is the same.

By making an authorization request, our staff is immediately notified and control of your work is queued to previous requests. On average, content is analyzed within 24 hours.
The evaluation parameters are:
- Quality of the video content (in compliance with the terms of use and general rules)
- Video technical quality
- Audio content quality (subject to terms of use and general rules)
- Audio technical quality
Each parameter is assigned a score from 1 (insufficient) to 5 (good).
The minimum score required is 3 for each parameter.
If the content is deemed unsuitable, the inspector is required to explain why.
Before publishing always check that the content respects the general rules and terms of use.

Remember that your content will be screened approximately 20 minutes before the show starts.
Follow the start time and the title of your show and enter the room.
If you have any doubts ask the staff present on site showing them the receipt of your booking.

When you will receive show booking confirmation and payment receipt.

Payment is made only when a screening space is booked.
Content can be either uploaded/created before or after purchase.

Within the marketing content, approximately 20 minutes before the film starts.

The official language of the country where Cinestream is operating, in this case Italian, and English as an international alternative.

DCI standards must be met in order to project content in a cinema.
The conversion of a content in DCI format is done automatically as soon as it is authorized for publication.
The final output of the contents will have a final resolution of 1998x1080 with a frame rate of 24fps.
Any content loaded at a different resolution or frame rate will be scaled, degrading rendering performance and possibly waiting a few minutes.
Formats with a resolution lower than Full HD or 1920x1080 are not accepted.
To find out more go to the specifications page

All citizens of legal age.

Cinestream is a registered trademark of Specter S.r.l. unipersonale with registered office in Via Santa Sofia 12 20122 Milan (MI) Italy. VAT number Fiscal code Registration in the Milan Business Register: 12568700962

Cinestream does not have direct access to the media servers that each multiplex cinema has.
These servers deliver the films, commercials and your message to the various projection booths.
Data transfer services and play list updating to include your content are not real time processes.

Currently, it takes 2 business days before we can guarantee a showing.

The final price of the product is established by the Broadcaster (owner of the screen) according to the importance of the proposed title, the quality of the location and the time slots or days of the week or calendar they consider most important.

The contents must comply with the terms of use established by UCI Cinemas.
To find out more, read the Terms of Use and the General Regulations.

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For more details, refer to our cookie information.

Your explicit consent is necessary to proceed.