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An exclusive 15-seconds slot to promote your cinemessage before your favorite movie.

Tuesday &

All day

UCI € 50.00
€ 50.00

Friday &

Until 19:00

UCI € 50.00
€ 50.00

From 19:00

UCI € 60.00
€ 60.00

Sunday &

All day

UCI € 60.00
€ 60.00

The publication costs are indicative.

All displayed prices include 22% VAT.

The final price may vary according to the projected work, a particular show or a specific screening room.
You can view the actual costs directly from the SHOWS page.

The days of the week and the holiday/pre-holidays indications displayed are to be considered 'until the cinema closes': therefore, any night-time shows that fall on the following day are also included in that price range.

Notice for IMAX theaters: The Cinestream system is not compatible with the IMAX system, therefore the related shows are not present in this web site.

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