General rules


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Cinestream is a platform through which it is possible to publish short videoclips before the starting of a film thanks to the finalization of exclusive agreements with the main international circuits ("Broadcasters") that adhere to the marketing of this product.
In particular, this domain allows to insert private content at UCI Cinemas Italia.
The conditions for the publication of content and access to this domain are therefore defined by the Broadcaster concerned and are described, as well as in this document, in the Terms of Use.
Further information about Privacy is available in our Privacy Police and our Cookies Policy.

This Platform can be used by adults only. In case the account holders do not meet the age requirements, the relevant accounts will be canceled and any booking canceled and not refunded.

The content you intend to publish is always subject to our authorization. This process is carried out by humans and takes on average on 24 hours. The assessment includes both the content and the technical compliance. The Platform does not allow the coupling of unauthorized content related to projection spaces even if already purchased. Purchased spaces that are not coupled with authorized content within the established time will not be refunded.

We reserve the right not to accept any content in video, audio, image and text format that violates our General Rules or Terms of Use. The parties involved in any of our disputes are informed of the decisions against which they can appeal if they believe that there has been no violation. We suspend or delete accounts and/or users in case of serious or repeated violations.

Some content that would normally be removed under our General Rules, even if privately, may be in the public interest. For this reason, in certain circumstances we may allow exceptions, for example in the case of educational or artistic content. If by reading these rules you believe that your content is in conflict but also believe that you have valid reasons for it to be published, when requesting permission, in the "content description" field we advise you to be as exhaustive as possible. Your content will be evaluated and if necessary corrections will be proposed. These corrections need to be approved. Time needed should be taken in consideration.

Often what seems like a fantastic video for a social network, projected on a screen of 10 or 20 meters is quite another thing. What on a smartphone may seem like a "slightly" blurry or unstable shot, projected could be annoying.

It is important to remember that at the cinema, as in television, the format is HORIZONTAL and not vertical as in use on social networks.

We always recommend the use of a PC for uploading and managing your content to allow image and quality control using tools and displays certainly more suitable than those available on a smartphone.

To obtain better results and further technical information for the realization of your content, please read and comply with the Specifiche Tecniche of the service.

Below is a list of behaviours to follow to ensure that your content is accepted by the Platform and therefore projected.

Language and speech

The languages allowed, spoken and written, are Italian and English. Any Italian dialect can be evaluated according to their destination.

The following will not be accepted:

  • Contents with spoken and texts in languages other than Italian and English.

Dangerous acts

The following will not be accepted:

  • Content that shows potentially inappropriate use of dangerous tools or objects
  • Content that portrays dangerous driving behaviours
  • Content that portrays or provides instructions on how to engage in a dangerous activity

Offensive behavior

We remove any expressions of offense, including threats or humiliating statements aimed at mocking, humiliating, embarrassing, intimidating or hurting an individual.

The following will not be accepted:

  • Content that insults others or denigrates a person based on characteristics such as mental faculties, appearance, personality characteristics, or hygiene
  • Content that encourages harassment
  • Content that denigrates victims of violent massacres
  • Content that wishes death, serious illness, or other serious harm to an individual
  • Content that threatens to reveal personal data

Attacks and insults against protected features

We define hate behavior or hate speech as any content that attacks, threatens, incites violence or otherwise dehumanizes an individual or group based on the following protected characteristics:

  • Race
  • Ethnic group
  • Nationality
  • Religion
  • Caste
  • Sexual orientation
  • Sex
  • Gender
  • Gender identity
  • Serious pathologies
  • Disability
  • Immigration status

Insults are derogatory terms intended to denigrate groups or people based on one of the protected characteristics listed above.

The following will not be accepted:

  • Content that claims that individuals or groups with protected characteristics are physically, mentally, or morally inferior, or that cites them as criminals, animals, inanimate objects, or other non-human entities
  • Content that promotes or justifies violence, exclusion, segregation or discrimination against them
  • Content that uses or includes non-self-referential insults
  • Content about transgender or non-binary people in which you address them by mentioning their gender and/or name prior to the change of identity

Ideologies based on hatred

Hateful ideologies are incompatible with this Platform

The following will not be accepted:

  • Content that praises, promotes, glorifies, or expresses support for any hateful ideology
  • Content with names, symbols, logos, flags, slogans, uniforms, gestures, greetings, illustrations, portraits, songs, music, lyrics, or other elements related to hateful ideology
  • Content that denies any violence against protected groups that are well documented
  • Claims of superiority against a group of people
  • Conspiracy theories justifying hateful ideologies

Substitution of person

The holder of a Cinestream account is for us considered the author of what will be showed in the auditorium.

We do not allow profiles where you present yourself as another person or entity fraudulently In case a warning related to the above is confirmed, we delete the account.

It shall be prohibited:

  • Impersonate another person using the name, surname, other biographical data or image of third parties


The term disinformation refers to inaccurate or proven false content.

The following will not be accepted:

  • False information that incites hatred or prejudice
  • False information about emergency situations that can trigger panic
  • False medical information that may cause harm to an individual's physical health
  • Content that can mislead community members about issues such as elections and other civic activities
  • Collusive content that purports to attack a protected subject or group or that includes a violent call to action, or denies that a violent or tragic event has occurred
  • Digital forgeries (artificial or manipulated content) are misleading to users as they distort the truth of events and cause significant harm to the people represented and to other people or the society in general


We do not allow the representation or promotion of firearms, ammunition, firearm accessories or explosives.

The following will not be accepted:

  • Content showing firearms, firearm accessories, ammunition or explosives
  • Content related to the purchase, sale, trade or request of firearms, accessories, ammunition, explosives.

Drugs, controlled substances, alcohol and tobacco

We do not allow the representation, promotion of drugs or other controlled substances.

The following will not be accepted:

  • Content that displays or promotes drugs and their consumption or encourages the manufacture, trade, or use of drugs or other controlled substances
  • Content related to the purchase, sale and trade or demand of drugs or other controlled substances, as well as alcohol or tobacco products, including e-cigarettes, combustible or smokeless tobacco products, synthetic nicotine products and other electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS)
  • Content that provides information on how to purchase illegal or controlled substances
  • Content that shows or promotes misuse of legal substances, or provides instructions on how to produce on your own substances that cause intoxication


We do not allow content that displays gambling situations, or that may otherwise be similar to advertising for casinos, sports betting or any other commercial activity in the betting industry.

The following will not be accepted:

  • Content that promotes casino, sports betting, poker, lotteries, betting software and apps or other related services

Privacy and protection of personal data

We do not allow content that violates the confidentiality of personal data (e.g. social security number, telephone numbers, physical addresses). Only links to social, email or web content are allowed.

The following will not be accepted:

  • Content with personal data


Cinestream is a service for individuals. Advertising, even hidden advertising, is not permitted. To use the platform it is necessary to pay attention to shots that can more or less even slightly refer to commercial product, such as designer clothing, food or beverage packaging and in general any logo or brand. Trademarks and logos in the foreground, of any kind, even with accidental shots, are to be avoided. The private individual can advertise their social contacts and the internet.

The following will not be accepted:

  • Content with highly prominent brands or logos.

Copyright and trademark infringement

Copyright is a legal right that protects original works. These are generally musical or audiovisual works such as cinema or texts.

A trademark is a word, graphic symbol, slogan or musical motif that identifies and distinguishes the source of a product or service. Content that infringes the intellectual property rights of another subject, without the evidence of licenses allowing it to be screened, will not be accepted.

The following will not be accepted:

  • Content that violates or infringes the copyright, trademark or other intellectual property rights of third parties

Any act that may damage our platform, our products, services and bypass security, integrity or reliability is expressly prohibited.

It shall be prohibited:

  • Attempt to access the Cinestream Platform in an unauthorized manner or create falsified or misleading versions of the Platform
  • Creation or distribution of malicious files, content or messages that contain viruses, Trojan horses, worms, logic bombs or other materials that may be harmful to the Platform

Last update: April 2023

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